24 Titanic Facts That Will Send You Down A Rabbit Hole

We all know Titanic It was a work of fiction, but imagination can run wild when you’re drawing on real people for your characters. Not surprisingly, J. Bruce Ismay’s daughter, son and granddaughter have publicly objected to his portrayal in the film and are keen to make amends.

So what is the truth of Isma’s behavior on that terrible night? First, he had no authority over the ship’s crew because he was not on board in any official capacity; He was an “ordinary passenger” there. According to eyewitnesses and official investigations, Ismail spent “at least an hour” helping passengers load into lifeboats, many of whom later testified that he actually helped them. A sudden decision to enter the lifeboat alone no Get in front of another passenger or steal a seat to save yourself – in fact, many boats leave before reaching full capacity.

However, Isma had a say in how many lifeboats the ship would carry. O Titanic He sailed with only 20 lifeboats because the 64 boats needed to comfortably carry all the passengers and crew would have made the ship “too crowded”.

After this tragedy, J. Bruce Ismay resigned from the White Star Line and remained out of the public eye for the rest of his life. He died on 18 October 1937.

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